Rabu, 26 Agustus 2015

Recognize Tajin Water for Health Benefits

The Heart of an Empath - Do you know what is meant by water starch? Air starch is rice cooking water is usually taken for infant nutrition enhancer, because it is more easily digested. Apparently, water is not just for babies starch tablets, because adults can also get tremendous benefits by regularly drinking water starch.

Hem, you may wonder, about what are the benefits we can get from the water starch? To be more details, see the benefits of drinking water starch taken from the following sources:

• Prevent Cancer
Water is not the same with rice starch very rich in carbohydrates, but water rice starch is starch that are good for helping the body to ward off disease, one of them cancer. However, to obtain these benefits, you can choose brown rice starch water.

• Preventing and Overcoming gastric problems
Drinking water regularly warm starch can help neutralize stomach acid so that the ulcer disease and gastrointestinal problems can be overcome with good.

• Increase Energy
Water high-starch carbohydrates so that when you eat, it will feel full and energy will increase. However, water does not make you a glut starch as eat rice, so you are still free to do various activities.

• Overcoming Constipation
In addition to overcome flatulence, drinking water warm starch are also useful for treating constipation. Thick texture of the starch water can help break down the substances remaining in the intestines and help out the circuitry easier.

• Prevent Alzheimer's
In addition to containing nutrients that are good for the body, starch water also contains nutrients that are good for the brain and nerves. So by drinking water regularly starch, then the risk of Alzheimer's disease and decline in brain function can be reduced / prevented.

• Maintaining healthy skin
In rice there are substances called oryzanol, where he efficacious protect the skin from the adverse effects Sinak sun. Therefore, regularly consume water with starch, you'll get a beautiful and healthy skin.

Well, after reading the above starch diverse benefits of water, Do you still feel hesitant to try it. May be useful yaa ..!

Senin, 27 Juli 2015

Empathy Triggers

I’ve had a long standing question that I’ve posed to the angels more than once. I’ve been confused about something. It’s something I think I knew deep down inside, but I wasn’t sure. I allowed my doubt to cloud my hearing. I do it all the time. But just a little bit ago I finally got the answer. The answer to what?
Empathy triggers. How to tell when something you’ve picked up isn’t yours. I’m very sensitive to the world around me, and I haven’t quite learned yet how to close myself off. The more open I get, the more I tend to absorb and the stronger I feel the emotions. I think often I’m open because I want to be. The truth is, shutting myself isn’t an easy process, because I don’t like it. I feel the most at open when I’m open, when I can send my senses out into my surroundings. But it's also just a part of who I am. I can't send healing out to someone if I don't know they're hurting. So, I'm naturally open to the world around me. 
Which means I’m very easily triggered by things I see on the internet or the people I interact with. I’ve found the strongest negative emotions tend to hit me the hardest. The angels often tell me those who need me the most are the ones who find me or the ones whom I find.
So, often, what happens is I run across someone, whether by reading a post on Facebook or even as simple as feeling them thinking about me. It happened this morning. I thought about someone I interact with on a semi regular basis. Usually when I’m thinking of them, it means they’re thinking of me, and I’ve learned this is true, because usually after they cross my mind, I find myself looking them up, pondering how they’re doing, etc. Very soon after, I tend to hear from them. 
Sound familiar? Always wonder why you do that? That’s why. If someone crosses your thoughts out of nowhere and you can’t stop thinking about them, more often than not, it’s because they’re thinking about you and you’ve picked up on the energy.
This morning, however, this also came with my heart chakra opening. Warmth settled into my chest. That was my first clue that something wasn’t quite right. Then my emotions took a nose dive and I became very depressed. Sadly, it seems whenever my heart chakra opens, the emotion I tend to have picked up is depression. And there are several people around me who are depressed.
The confusion begins for me because often times the emotion I’m picking up in someone else pings off something I myself have felt. It’s that old saying you can’t truly know how a person feels until you’ve walked a mile in their shoes? For me, what I feel is often ten times stronger when it’s something I’ve gone through.
I usually wallow for a while, wondering why it is I’m feeling this way. I often ask myself, “is this mine?” Because it’s so close to something I’ve experienced, I often have trouble telling. Michael often reminds me of how to tell when it’s not mine. The signs are really easy.
The biggest and easiest: did your heart open? Is the center of your chest warm? If your chest is warm, then your heart chakra is open, and if it opened spontaneously, chances are, something opened it.
The second easiest way to tell: did the emotion come over you suddenly? One minute you’re fine, the next you’re fuming mad or so depressed you want to go take a nap.
This will often be accompanied by the feeling of surprise. Are you sitting there wondering why you’re feeling that way?
The last sign: does it go away when you ask it to?
Which is also how to release what you pick. Simply let it go. Things stick when we hold on to them. So let them go. Recognize that it isn’t yours and release it. Sometimes, if I’m having trouble releasing, I’ll ask Archangel Michael for help. I’ll ask him to clear my body and my aura of everything that isn’t mine.
How to stay clear: be aware of yourself. I spend a minute here and there returning to center. I sit and breathe, or I’ll fold my hands together, as if in prayer, holding them over my heart chakra, close my eyes and take a couple of deep breaths, focusing on my breathing, the in and out movement of the air through my body.
Don’t forget to ground. Visualize your root going down into the earth and rooting itself to the Earth’s core.
I thought if I had trouble knowing this, then perhaps others have as well. I was surprised at how easy it is to recognize and how easy it is to doubt. The energy is subtle and you can convince yourself you’re wrong. The key is to trust yourself, trust your gut. My clue? A telltale sign from Michael that I’ve learned to recognize. If you feel a nudge in your gut, you’re likely getting a nudge from an angel.
